Hi! My name is Monique, and I’m a master’s student at the University of San Francisco and a research associate at Neuroscape, UCSF.

I am committed to empowering people with digital resources to enhance their well-being. Specifically, I am interested in engaging older adults from historically marginalized groups in remote clinical research to benefit brain health through community-engaged research. Digital health technology has immense potential to connect medically underserved groups to preventive healthcare solutions. In my career, I aim to use digital technology to educate, engage, and empower communities to enhance health outcomes.

Funded by a diversity supplement award from the National Institute on Aging, I am currently working with Dr. David Ziegler at Neuroscape to enhance the inclusion of older adults from the San Joaquin Valley in remote clinical research to advance brain health and ADRD science through community-based participatory research. Learn more about my research interests and projects on LinkedIn.